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Selichot Dinner (Pasta & Salad Bar)

Saturday, September 28, 2024 25 Elul 5784

5:30 PM - 7:00 PMSocial Hall

Enjoy a delicious pasta & salad dinner and prepare to welcome the coming Jewish New Year.

The word Selichot ("forgiveness" in Hebrew) refers to the prayers we say during the Hebrew month Elul in preparation for Rosh Hashana. Here at CEC, our Selichot service is also the first opportunity to hear the shofar together as a community and let it sink in that the High Holidays are right around the corner.

This a moment to check in with ourselves: think about the year that's ending, hope for the coming year, be grateful for our many blessings, and truly embrace the awe of these "Days of Awe." 

Event Schedule

5:15 PM - KIDdish Club Selichot Service (Sanctuary)
A new favorite among young families, KIDdish Club services are geared towards kids under 8, their siblings, and their adults.

5:15 PM - Selichot Adult Learning Opportunity: Sho-far So Good! (Library)
Rabbi Cosnowsky will lead a learning opportunity focused on the tradition of blowing the shofar.

5:30 PM - Pasta & Salad Dinner (Social Hall)
We'll enjoy a delicious pasta & salad dinner ahead of the congregational selichot service and shofar blast. Please specify any dietary restrictions in the notes section of registration.

7:00 PM - Selichot Service (Sanctuary)
Join us as we kick off the High Holidays in a Selichot Service, including music from the Congregational Choir and the first shofar blasts of the season from our ba'al tekiah, Mitch Williams. Live Captioning will be provided.

Watch via YouTube

Let us know if we can put something in place to make sure that you can fully participate and enjoy this event, either by filling out this form or contacting inclusion@mycec.org.


This form closed on 2024-09-28 20:00:00.
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