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Congregational Retreat 2025

Friday, February 14, 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785

All Day for 2 DaysOSRUI

Nourish your body and spirit. We will eat, sing, reflect, learn, and connect as a community. Celebrate Shabbat, have fun, and participate in Jewish learning with our congregational family. This is the opportunity to recharge that we all deserve.

This year's theme, V'Ahavtah L'Rayeicha Kamocha - Love Your Neighbor as Yourself* (*Easier Said Than Done), acknowledges the challenge of applying this eternal wisdom, particularly in today's polarized climate. This is our opportunity to discuss how to rise above those challenges, or at least our reminder that we must try.

If you need any assistance filling out the form, please call the office (630-627-3912) during business hours. We are happy to help!

Questions? Want to know what Retreat's all about? Check out our Information Session via Zoom on Thursday, December 5.

Please contact Jen Snyder at retreat@mycec.org with any further questions.

This year's book discussion will be on Rules for Ghosting by Shelly Jay Shore (facilitated by Nicole Coover-Thompson). Goodreads says, 'Set in a Jewish family and community, Rules for Ghosting is a humorous, touching, and incredibly charming blend of romance and ghost story.'

Registration is Due Wednesday, January 22


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Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785