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Social Groups


Join the Brotherhood and experience the fraternity of Congregation Etz Chaim men. The group serves many social, philanthropic, religious, and community needs. Enjoy fun, Judaic, and community-based activities. You’ll experience friendship, camaraderie, fellowship, and support. At its core, the Brotherhood enhances the lives of self-identified men at Congregation Etz Chaim. Join us!  


The Etz Chaim Sisterhood provides a place for self-identified women of all ages and stages to enrich their lives through programs that encourage the pursuit of Jewish values and communal learning. Members are able to share meaningful moments, ideas, and experiences. Fundamentally, the Sisterhood is about nurturing strong relationships with other self-identified women. That’s done through various events throughout the year.
Gift Shop Affliate Link:
If you use this link to order from Modern Tribe, 5% of your purchase will be returned to CEC's Sisterhood.


We strongly believe that children have to enjoy coming to the synagogue or they simply won’t come. We’ve planned our activities accordingly and as a result, our young people continue their involvement with CEC well past their bar/bat mitzvah. Our Junior Youth Group (JYG) is for 6th-8th graders, and our  Senior Youth Group (SYG) is for 9th-12th graders. In addition to youth groups, we have a partnership with multiple URJ Summer Programs including Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute (OSRUI) in Wisconsin, access to the JUF  Send-a-Kid-to-Israel Partnership (SKIP) where money can be used towards JUF-supported Israel programs and programming geared towards a variety ages and stages.



It’s well-established that seniors tend to feel lonely, but that’s not the case for Etz Chaim congregants! Our Seniors Group gives participants the opportunity to learn, connect, and socialize with people in their age group (older than 50). 

We have a “Lunch ‘n Learn” on the third Wednesday of the month where optional bagels and lox are served followed by a presentation, documentary, movie, or discussion. Other programs have included the following: Field trips to the Milwaukee Jewish Museum and the Oriental Institute in Hyde Park, Jewish music concerts, Legacy writing, and Movie screenings.



Aimed at congregants in their 20s to 30s, Tribe 20/30 offers a chance to socialize with Jewish peers. The group strengthens the bonds between young professionals by engaging in fun activities once a month such as karaoke, Whirly Ball, hiking, and more!




Get to know other folks who identify as falling in the broad range that is "mid-life," and enjoy fun activities together.                  



Our Wise Aging Group bonds through learning and supporting each other with strategies to help individuals meet the challenges of these years with a sustaining, resilient spirit.


Our pinochle group plays periodically on Monday evenings.


This inclusive cohort is centered around people with disabilities and provides opportunities to get together and have fun as a community.  Read what one of the members says about one of their events here


Our "Retired Old Men Eating Out" and our "Ladies Who Lunch" groups each meet regularly to enjoy a meal with friends.


Torah Study meets on Saturday mornings and has Zoom and in-person options for most sessions.


Our Mahjong group meets to play regularly at CEC on Monday afternoons and Wednesday mornings.


Bridge & Partner Bridge groups meet both in person on Wednesday mornings and online periodically.


Our Qigong group meets primarily via Zoom on Wednesday mornings, with classes offered periodically in person at CEC.

Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785