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2024-2025 School Year

Enrolled families, please log in to your account to see the members-only sections of this page. 


Enrollment for our 2024-2025 school year began on May 5, 2024, and is open and available to members of Etz Chaim. There is no tuition for our Religious and Hebrew school programs; they are a benefit of membership. For Kindergarten through 10th grade, there is a $100 book and supply fee per learner (PreK has no fee). The book and supply fee is assessed upon confirmation of enrollment. 

If you are interested in enrolling your PreK-10th grade student at CEC please contact Marla Aviva Bentley, RJE, Director of Lifelong Learning, or Andrea Schuster, Assistant Director of Education. 

For Shorashim: Adult-Tot (Birth-age 3), registration is free and ongoing, click here to sign-up.

Our Values

בְּרִית Brit (Covenant)

A בְּרִית Brit (Covenant) is a sacred partnership. We strive to uphold a sacred partnership between our leadership, teachers, students, and their families and to provide an engaging learning environment where all students can feel successful.  We understand that each student’s learning journey is unique and special, and opportunities should be available to meet our school families' diverse needs.

Judaism teaches that all humans are created בְּצֶלֶם אֱלֹהִים B’tzelem Elohim (In the Image of God) and shall be valued members of Congregation Etz Chaim (CEC). Our school is built on the Jewish values of:

קְהִלָּה K'hilah (Community) | הַכְלָלָה Hachlalah (Inclusion) | חֶסֶד Chesed (Kindness) | כָּבוֹד Kavod (Respect)

צֶדֶק Tzedek (Justice) | גְּמִילוּת חֲסָדִים Gemilut Chasidim (Acts of Loving Kindness)

These values shape the learning environment and community at CEC. This is our בְּרִית Brit (Covenant) between our school and our families:

Our faculty and leadership will

  • spark curiosity in our learners and instill a love of learning.
  • model כָּבוֹד Kavod (Respect), חֶסֶד Chesed (Kindness), and will be attentive to each person's social, emotional, and spiritual needs.
  • cultivate a safe space and ensure a healthy learning environment by creating a sense of belonging and adhering to all safety procedures.
  • implement engaging and holistic Jewish education through a variety of learning experiences, including interactive media, art, and music.  
  • create programming to encourage the participation of the entire family.
  • provide inclusion support to assist learners with differing needs.
  • encourage community buy-in with co-created classroom expectations / בְּרִית Brit (Covenant).
  • communicate with families on a regular basis regarding upcoming events and classroom happenings.
  • continue professional learning and development to stay up to date on current teaching techniques and modalities.

Our CEC families will

  • recognize our unique and invaluable role in fostering our child(ren)'s Jewish identity through education.
  • commit to working collaboratively with the school to create a positive and enriching environment for our child(ren)'s learning and growth within the context of Reform Judaism.
  • support our child(ren)’s education by committing to regular attendance of school and CEC activities. 
  • model active participation by volunteering within the school community.
  • maintain regular contact with teachers and the school administration, promptly addressing any concerns or needs, including absences.
  • be members in good standing of CEC to maintain enrollment in the religious school.

We, the undersigned parents/guardians, willingly enter into this בְּרִית Brit (Covenant) with the Congregation Etz Chaim Religious School, pledging to uphold the commitments outlined herein for the benefit of our child(ren)'s Jewish education. Sign the Brit here

Inclusive Education at CEC

We recognize that all students have the right to learn in a manner that is appropriate for their learning style. Inclusion services include a spectrum of accommodations. At CEC, we work together to ensure that every child has the resources and support they need. If you would like to discuss accommodation options or to make an individual plan for your child, please contact our Inclusive Education Coordinator, Matt Newton.

Educational & Religious Milestones


Consecration marks the formal beginning of a child’s Jewish education here at Congregation Etz Chaim. We celebrate this milestone with our kindergarten families and any new families with students in the 1st and 2nd grades. Consecration takes place in conjunction with Simchat Torah. We mark this occasion by calling the consecrants to the bimah where they recite the Sh’ma (click here for a recording) and sing a song called Little Torah (click here for a recording). We present the students with their own little Torah, to represent their entrance into the world of Torah study. Students also receive a special certificate. On each certificate, we put the students’ English and Hebrew names. If your child does not yet have a Hebrew name, please reach out to Rabbi Wainer.

B'nai Mitzvah

B’nai Mitzvah is a significant milestone in a child’s Jewish education. Becoming B’nai Mitzvah means accepting the duties and responsibilities of being a Jewish adult. Our goals include:

  • Students will feel proud of their accomplishments and achievements throughout the B’nai Mitzvah process
  • B'nai Mitzvah families will be engaged, with their learner, throughout the B'nai Mitzvah process
  • B'nai Mitzvah families will build relationships with others in the community through the B'nai Mitzvah Mentors program
  • For students who are neurotypical and attend 90% of religious school and tutoring sessions, they will be able to lead their prayers as well as chant 4 Aliyot of Torah (~12 verses) and 5 verses of Haftarah

The B’nai Mitzvah process at CEC:

  • In 5th grade families receive their B’nai Mitzvah date in the Fall and the B’nai Mitzvah Parent Handbook. Students will also receive a copy of their Siddur: Mishkan T’filah (Prayer Book).
  • In 6th grade, parents and students learn together during three required family education programs on God, Torah, and Israel.
  • One year prior to a student’s date, they receive their copy of the JPS B’nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary at a Shabbat service where the student’s B’nai Mitzvah Torah portion is being read.
  • Expectation of supporting fellow students' B’nai Mitzvah services as well as attending at least 13 Shabbat/Holiday Services in the 12 months prior to their B’nai Mitzvah date.
  • During the year prior to their date, they will begin meeting regularly with the clergy and 9 months prior with their assigned B’nai Mitzvah tutor. Students will focus on learning their Torah and Haftarah portions, demonstrating leading their prayers, their Mitzvah project, and their B’nai Mitzvah speech.

Machonikim: 8th & 9th Student Teaching Assistants

As part of our curriculum, all 8th and 9th grade students serve as Machonikim (Student Teaching Assistants) for their first hour of Sunday School (9:15-10:15 AM). Machonikim are assigned to a classroom and work with a mentor teacher(s) in PreK - 7th grade. Machonikim make a tremendous difference in the lives of our learners. Following the hour as a Machonik, teens continue in your their own 8th or 9th grade learning. 



Confirmation is a ceremony that occurs at the end of 10th grade following a year of study in Confirmation class with our rabbis. Confirmands lead the congregation in a worship service and share personal reflections about what Confirmation means to them. Students will affirm their individual and collective commitment to the Jewish people. At CEC, we expect that all our learners will continue in our Religious school through Confirmation.

Madrichim: 11th & 12th Teen Leaders

11th and 12th grade Madrichim Team (Teen Leaders) volunteer in the classrooms on Sunday mornings by helping teachers with class activities, being a Hebrew reading partner, tutoring students, and much more. Teens can also serve with specialists/chugim, and in the office. There is a place for everyone. Madrichim are so important to CEC! Here are just a few reasons why this role is so critical to our community:

  • Be a Dugma (role model) and leader in our community
  • Earn community service hours
  • Stand out on college applications
  • Be a stronger candidate for summer jobs
  • Make a positive impact on our Jewish kids

Support Education at CEC by Donating:

Consider a donation in honor of your learner's teachers:  Click here to donate

School Funds

Ruth Joseph Memorial School Fund: For special programming and equipment for the school.

Barbara Baruch School Scholarship Fund: Provides scholarship money to pay, in part or in full, religious school tuition/fees for families who could not otherwise pay these fees.

Inclusion Fund: Supports inclusion programs and initiatives throughout the congregation and in education.

Camp and Youth Funds

Robert Scott Samuels Scholarship Fund: Provides scholarships to URJ Camps or CFTY Leadership Training.

Jeremy Bruder Memorial Scholarship Fund: Provides scholarships for OSRUI and the Youth Israel Trips for young people who would otherwise not be able to participate.

 Youth Committee Fund: Supports special projects of the youth groups.

Thank you for your continued support of our school and youth funds!

Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785