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High Holiday 5785 Guest Registration

We look forward to seeing you at our High Holiday programs and services this year. This form helps us prepare a space for you and your guests.

Members of another URJ (Reform Movement) Congregation can contact their synagogue to submit the HHD Reciprocity Form to us at, and then attend our High Holiday programs at no additional charge. Please do not include these individuals on this form.

We know that technology is not always easy to navigate. If you would like help completing this form, please email to arrange a time to speak to a member of our team or stop by the office Monday-Thursday from 10:00 AM-3:00 PM. We’re here to help!

For any accommodations, please contact, and we will try to meet those requests.

We hope you can also join us for Selichot! Register for Selichot on the event page.

We don't want cost to be a barrier to participation. To request financial assistance, please contact  Aaron Robbin at

Please note: we will print name tags for you based on the names you provide on this form.
Attendee #1 Information
Please share Address, Phone Number, Email Address, Relationship to, and how you found Congregation Etz Chaim.

Attendee #2 Information
Please share Address, Phone Number, Email Address, Relationship to, and/or how you found Congregation Etz Chaim.

Attendee #3 Information
Please share Address, Phone Number, Email Address, Relationship to, and/or how you found Congregation Etz Chaim.

Attendee #4 Information
Please share Address, Phone Number, Email Address, Relationship to, and/or how you found Congregation Etz Chaim.

Attendee #5 Information
Please share Address, Phone Number, Email Address, Relationship to, and/or how you found Congregation Etz Chaim.

We look forward to welcoming you!


Special Parking Request

Please know there are limited spaces and not all requests may be able to be granted. This special arrangement is for those people for whom it is a necessity. 
Please know there are limited spaces and not all requests may be able to be granted. This special arrangement is for those people for whom it is a necessity. 

High Holiday Prayer Books

We will be using our High Holiday prayer books (Mishkan HaNefesh) and will not be providing prayer books like on Shabbat for general use. To follow along, please bring the appropriate prayer book to our High Holiday services.* If you do not yet have an updated set, you can purchase them here. There is also a Kindle version available from for each holiday.

*Mishkan HaNefesh is a two book set. The gold book is for Rosh Hashanah. The silver book is for Yom Kippur.

2024/5785 Yizkor Scroll of Rememberance

The names in the Yizkor Scroll are pulled from the congregation's Yahrzeit records. If there are additional names that you would like to add to this year's Yizkor Scroll, please list them below. 

Please note: we are only able to add names submitted by Sunday, October 6.

High Holiday Baking
If yes, someone will reach out to coordinate the items and date with you

Optional High Holiday Donations
Please consider making a tax deductible contribution to support Congregation Etz Chaim this High Holiday season.


Food and Diaper Drive

We are holding a food and diaper drive during the High Holidays. Please consider picking up a bag on Rosh Hashanah and returning it full on Yom Kippur. Or, if you prefer, you can donate here and we will purchase food and diapers on your behalf.

If you would like to pay using a paper check or cash, please contact
Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784