Shabbat Services
Friday, October 13, 2023 • 28 Tishrei 5784
7:30 PM - 8:30 PMSanctuaryJoin us for Shabbat services with music from Cindy Michelassi. We will also honor Kaitlin Andersen on becoming Bat Mitzvah. Services will be followed by an oneg in the social hall sponsored by the Andersen family in honor of Kaitlin.
Watch via YouTube
We offer babysitting services in our PreK Room (Room 3) for children 4th grade and younger. Kids 5th grade and above, who are not able to participate in services, will be supervised in the library where books, coloring, and quiet games are available. We request registration for Shabbat services so we can have appropriate staffing for your needs.
Mi Sheberach:
One of the central Jewish prayers for those who are ill or recovering from illness or accidents is the Mi Sheberach. Names provided in this Mi Sheberach Form will be added to the list read at services when the Torah is read. Please only add names if you are a direct family member or have permission from the family to submit their name.
You can listen to your favorite tunes throughout Shabbat on Spotify!
Sign up for a free account to listen to our curated playlist.
For any accommodations for those who are joining in person or remotely, please complete this form or contact, and we will try to meet those requests.
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