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Holiday Donation Matching for Bridge Communities and DuPage PADS

Monday, November 27, 2023 14 Kislev 5784

All Day for 18 Days

We have a remarkably generous member who has pledged to match dollar for dollar up to $10,000 for the clients of Bridge Communities and DuPage PADS residing in interim housing!

The goal of our matching gift member is to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those facing homelessness in our community by giving at least $100 in gift cards to each individual or family being served by those two critical social service organizations. The gift cards (primarily for stores like Target or Walmart) will be purchased through our Manna gift card program with the percentage attributable to the Congregation used to purchase more gift cards.  Cards will be bought in bulk with the money from donations made to "Tzedakah Box Collections" before December 15.

Our generosity is sure to brighten the holidays for these members of our community who are struggling to restore some normalcy to their lives!

* Donations to Congregation Etz Chaim used to purchase holiday gift cards for the clients of Bridge Communities and DuPage PADS should be made by December 15th by:
(1) check payable to Congregation Etz Chaim (delivered by that date to the office by mail or in person and noting it is for the "Holiday Gift Card Purchases for the Homeless"), or
(2) by donating online to Congregation Etz Chaim and selecting "Tzedakah Box Collections" (as tzedakah box donations made from now through December 15th will be used to purchase the gift cards, including cash donations to the tzedakah box in the lobby).

More on the organizations that will benefit:
* Bridge Communities transforms the lives of families facing homelessness by partnering with talented and resourceful individuals and groups in our community, including Congregation Etz Chaim. Their program of housing, mentoring, and empowering families focuses on moving them towards a goal of self-sufficiency and serves 100+ families every year. Etz Chaim's partnership involves the mentoring of one of those families by members Bob Mocek and Cathye O'Hara as well as a financial commitment to the organization.

* DuPage PADS has for 35 years remained a beacon of hope for those with little or no support while experiencing homelessness. It runs year-round programs to feed and shelter individuals and families who are homeless, connecting them to case management and other services that can address the underlying cause of their homelessness. Etz Chaim prepares approximately 200 meals and delivers them once per month to the organization's 130-room interim housing facility in Downers Grove under the leadership of Meryl Diamond, Karen Friedman, and Patricia Rosenmann. 

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