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Book Discussion: Your Presence Is Mandatory Novel

Monday, March 10, 2025 10 Adar 5785

7:00 PM - 9:00 PMvia Zoom

In 2007 Ukraine, after Yefim Shulman, beloved husband, grandfather and World War II veteran, passes away, his widow Nina finds a letter to the KGB in his briefcase that reveals his lifelong secret, which forces them to reassess the man they thought they knew and the country he defended.

After our discussion, we will be joined by the author, Sasha Vasilyuk!

Rachel Kamin will lead this discussion via Zoom only.

Let us know if we can put something in place to make sure that you can fully participate and enjoy this event, either by filling out this form or contacting inclusion@mycec.org.




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Sat, February 22 2025 24 Sh'vat 5785