9:15am Religious School 9:15am 6th Grade Family Program: Israel 9:30am JCFS Processing Opportunity 9:30am Bagels with the Brotherhood 9:30am Kindergarten Parent Meet-Up 9:30am Bagel Breakfast 12:00pm Purim Schpiel Rehearsal 12:00pm Hamentashen Baking with Sisterhood
| | 4:30pm Inclusion Hebrew 7:00pm Foundation Meeting 8:00pm Budget Committee Meeting
| 10:00am Qigong 10:00am Mahjong 10:00am Bridge
| 7:00pm Purim Schpiel Rehearsal
| 7:30pm Shabbat Service (Artist-in-Residence)
| T'rumah 9:30am Artist-in-Residence Torah Study 7:00pm Havdalah Concert Gathering
9:15am Religious School 9:30am Bagel Breakfast 9:30am 5th Grade Family Meet-Up 10:00am Singing in the Divine: The Lift of Communal Song 12:15pm Choir Rehearsal 2:00pm BBYO
| | 4:30pm Inclusion Hebrew 6:30pm Facilities Committee Meeting 7:30pm Religious School Committee Meeting
| 10:00am Mahjong 10:00am Bridge 10:00am Qigong 7:00pm Social Action Meeting 7:30pm Inclusion Committee Meeting
| 6:00pm Interfaith Task Force Meeting 7:00pm Purim Schpiel Rehearsal 7:00pm Retreat Committee Meeting
| 5:30pm Pasta, Salad, & Baked Potato Bar Dinner 5:30pm KIDdish Club Shabbat Service (Purim) 5:30pm 6th Grade Family Dinner 6:30pm First Friday Shabbat Service
| T'tzaveh 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Services (Felix Martinez B'nai Mitzvah) 12:00pm Felix Martinez KIDdish 6:00pm SYG & JYG Purim Carnival Setup
9:15am Religious School 9:15am Manna Sale 9:30am NO Bagel Breakfast 9:45am Shorashim: Adult Tot Class 11:00am Purim Schpiel 11:45am Purim Carnival 12:30pm West Suburban Chaverim 4:00pm BBYO
| 1:00pm Mahjong 7:00pm Book Discussion: Your Presence Is Mandatory Novel
| 4:30pm Inclusion Hebrew 7:00pm Executive Committee Meeting
| 10:00am Mahjong 10:00am Bridge 10:00am Qigong
| 6:30pm Iftar Dinner with TAS 7:30pm Ritual & Religious Committee Meeting
| 7:30pm Shabbat Service (Purim w/ Megillah Reading)
| Ki Tisa 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Services (Sam Switt B'nai Mitzvah)
9:15am Religious School 9:30am Bagel Breakfast 9:30am Jewish+ Coffee & Connections 10:30am Bagels with the Brotherhood 11:00am Kindergarten Shabbat 12:00pm 6th Grade Board Game Fundraiser 12:15pm Choir Rehearsal
| | 4:30pm Inclusion Hebrew 7:30pm Board Meeting
| 10:00am Bridge 10:00am Mahjong 12:30pm Lunch 'n Learn
| 7:00pm Partner Bridge 7:30pm LLC Meeting
| 6:45pm Choir Call 7:30pm Shabbat Service (Sisterhood)
| |
9:15am NO Religious School 9:30am NO Bagel Breakfast
| | 4:30pm NO Inclusion Hebrew
| 10:00am Mahjong 10:00am Bridge 10:00am Qigong
| | | P'kudei 9:00am Torah Study 6:30pm Trivia Night and Dinner
9:15am NO Religious School 9:30am NO Bagel Breakfast
| 1:00pm Mahjong 7:00pm Transgender Day of Visibility Interfaith Service
| 4:30pm Inclusion Hebrew 6:30pm Facilities Committee Meeting 7:30pm Religious School Committee Meeting
| 10:00am Mahjong 10:00am Bridge 10:00am Qigong 6:00pm Take Action for Reproductive Freedom 7:30pm Inclusion Committee Meeting
| 10:00am The American Scripture Project Class
| 5:30pm 4th Grade Family Dinner 5:30pm KIDdish Club Shabbat Service 6:30pm First Friday Shabbat Service (Driver's License Shabbat)
| Vayikra 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Services (Sam Robbin B'nai Mitzvah) & Luncheon